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Bourbon is Better!

Brace yourself for a terrifying fact of booze science: A lot of “hard colas” don’t even use whiskey. Yes, that bottle of Jumpin’ Jack’s Black-Bottom Cola-Type Malt Beverage may look to normal eyes like a whiskey and cola, but actually contains “malt alcohol,” which comes from a chemical process you probably ...

Earth People Who Give Out Awards Say Grisly’s Cosmic Tastes Really, Really Good!

Truth! Actual press people say these things to you!LOS ANGELES, December 22, 2021 -- Grisly's Cosmic Black, the first in a upcoming trio of epicurean ready-to-drink cocktails from upstart Black Yeti Beverage has just received a trio of honors:  Two gold medals from Wine Country International's  Canned Challenge in both the taste and packaging and design categoriesA ...

Cosmic Goodness Makes a Great Gift says LA Weekly!

People of Los Angeles and beyond, the holidays are almost here, and your Weekly has spoken! Grisly's Cosmic Black made the LA Weekly 2021 Holiday Gift Guide, proving once again that things from space have universal appeal when the days grow short and the trees grow twinkling lights. ...